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Goodbye Enewsletter

You are reading the last enewsletter. Our creation of the enewsletter began in 2004 when sending quarterly hard copy newsletters to customers became extremely expensive. Our database had grown tremendously and management knew this would continue to expand. We mentioned in our mailed, hard copy newsletters to customers throughout 2005 that enewsletters would commence in 2006. At first our enewsletters were emailed to our customers and that was a huge endeavor involving yet another database.


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We love upholstery cleaning!

Upholstery cleaning is the least popular service our competitors’ technicians dread hearing. The entire cleaning process is difficult and frustrating work for the average technician. The solutions used to clean upholstery are numerous and cleaning methods also vary. Toss in lack of experience, and you can see the average technician attempt to shy away from cleaning the upholstered item. Who could blame them? However, upholstery cleaning is a major growth division of Yeatts Inc. The orders for fine fabric, residential, and commercial upholstery cleaning services are increasing yearly.

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Yeatts Rug Plant remains at the top.

Expert fine fabric and rug cleaning requires years of training, constant education, and a willingness to adopt to new fabric cleaning methods. Equipment upgrades throughout the last decade have been tremendous. However, the technician using the equipment has to read the operator’s manual and comprehend all the applications, maintenance, and parts of the equipment. Then the technician would become more proficient in cleaning fabrics and rugs as a result of on-the-job training. If the company owner refuses to pursue new fabric cleaning methods using new or improved equipment, cleaning solutions, and training employees of these enhancements, then repeat business slowly fades away.

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We are the commercial carpet cleaning experts!

Everyone realizes Yeatts Inc. is sought after for residential carpet cleaning. Leading janitorial companies and successful building maintenance managers select our company to clean carpets and upholstery for their customers or buildings under their management. Yeatts Inc. technicians can be seen cleaning large commercial businesses and organizations in the late afternoons and on weekends. Our company rarely loses a commercial account as well. Often the termination of a commercial account is a result of the maintenance manager leaving for a better position or the janitorial company losing the account.

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Before you buy a custom rug read this first!

Sculptured or loop pile and synthetic or natural, are just a few decisions you will make when selecting a or designing a custom rug. You may wish to have fringes on your rug requiring more decision making such as long or short and knotted or straight fringes? If you plan on rotating the rug as Yeatts Inc. recommends, then weight of the rug and sometimes the patterns in the rug will also become a consideration. Before you select or create any custom rug, include the amount of traffic flow in the room where the custom rug is to be placed.

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Yeatts Rug Plant is the final destination.

Cleaning all types of rugs, carpets, and upholstery is our specialty. Competitors, manufacturers, and teachers of the fabric cleaning trade, recognize Yeatts Rug Plant as an industry leader. Other service professionals in medical, real estate, and commercial cleaning select our company to clean fabrics for their clients. In some instances we clean carpets due to allergy or asthma concerns while other instances the cleaning is an emergency or scheduled. Our networking partners in restoration services select Yeatts Rug Plant to process severe water and soot damaged rugs, carpets, and upholstery.

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Yeatts Rug Plant is the final destination.

Cleaning all types of rugs, carpets, and upholstery is our specialty. Competitors, manufacturers, and teachers of the fabric cleaning trade, recognize Yeatts Rug Plant as an industry leader. Other service professionals in medical, real estate, and commercial cleaning select our company to clean fabrics for their clients. In some instances we clean carpets due to allergy or asthma concerns while other instances the cleaning is an emergency or scheduled. Our networking partners in restoration services select Yeatts Rug Plant to process severe water and soot damaged rugs, carpets, and upholstery.

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Spring cleaning by Yeatts Inc.

Spring has arrived and so have all the insects, pollen, and of course the never ending battle with dust. Vacuum your carpets and rugs to remove dust, pollen, and any embedded insects. Rotate all area rugs and if applicable vacuum the felt side of any underlays. Remember to use both sides of your two-sided rugs such as dhurries, rag rugs, or braided rugs!

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Rug Repair by Yeatts Inc.

During the week, our technicians process rug orders that require minor or major repair. Some rugs have simple separation along the outer edge whether it is fringing at the end or serging or binding along the sides or entire rug. Most outer edge damage can be repaired by the machinery we employ. However, any inner area of the rug completely missing wool, and worse a hole you can see through, requires the skills of the top repair craftsman at Yeatts Inc., Chuck Hilton.

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Yeatts Inc. is still the best decision.

With all the big retail chains renting equipment such as dehumidifiers and carpet cleaning extractors, one might believe cleaning fabrics or performing water damage restoration is something you do on a whim. Even “professionals” in the fabric cleaning industry rent their equipment from big retail chains. There are many precautions to consider before renting carpet cleaning extractors instead of hiring an industry leader such as Yeatts Inc.

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Thanks for 40 years!

Thank you for 40 years of customer loyalty! Yeatts Inc. is celebrating 40 years of providing superior fabric cleaning service. The company founded by William J. Yeatts and Bonnie Yeatts has steadily moved on. So many of our regular customers throughout the decades have witnessed the changes at our company. From the creation of products and services to making machinery, equipment, and tools in-house, our loyal customers have made the greatest contribution to our success. “We could never thank the customers enough,” stated Yeatts Inc. C.O.O. Chris Munden.

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Spring into cleaning with helpful tips.

Many people will regard this past winter as one of the most harsh in decades. No matter a scale ranking or hand vote upon severity, it is certain that most families and pets stayed inside this winter. Staying indoors was further complicated if family members suffering from viruses and flus shared the same rooms. Of course, family pets stayed inside more this past winter. Animal hair and oil accumulates in their favorite resting areas regardless a designated dog bed or a sofa shared by the family. Here are some tips from Yeatts Inc. to help you have clean, odor free fabrics ready for you and your guests to enjoy during Spring events.

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Follow the leader.

The requests we receive from customers and networking partners to create new services and new products are frequent. Due to the many desired services requested by our customers and networking partners, when possible, we eventually create the service of their most repeated request. A great example would be rug repair. Some rugs we can repair by machine, some by hand, and in some cases, the rug is beyond repair. Frequent requests for products also yielded Y.E.S. spotters and Fabrimint, our super strong deodorizer. Finally, one of the most frequent customer requests for a desired service is attainable. Yeatts Inc. has great news for our customers. Following months of testing various processes, we can now clean most underlays.

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Looking for information on underlays?

Being one of the oldest and most respected companies in our industry, Yeatts Inc. has witnessed many trade associations and schools, manufacturers, and companies including franchises created during the decades. Just as other sectors in the service industry, you can now find hundreds of fabric cleaning companies throughout the state and many thousands throughout the country. The reason Yeatts Inc. remains an established industry leader is due to our commitment to being the best, honesty, and leadership. This is why our company has such a large list of networking partners and manufacturers eager to send products for our technicians to test.

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Carpet and rug maintenance tips.

Taking care of your carpets and rugs is very important to all homeowners. They act like a filter trapping particles, dust, and other airborne pollutants. It is most important to have a professional company like Yeatts Inc. clean carpets and rugs as needed if you or a family member suffers from allergies or asthma. Remember cleaning solutions made just for allergy or asthma sufferers are available via ResponsibleCare™ Products from MasterBlend®. There are other aspects of maintaining clean carpets and rugs that can be performed by the homeowner. Yeatts Inc. offers some helpful tips in this eNewsletter that will contribute to maintaining clean carpets and rugs before and after professional cleaning.

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Don’t Get Soaked By Water Damage.

Ever feel as if you were being coerced into an add-on sale or service that you either felt wasn’t necessary or should be included anyway? If you have been through this experience within the last few years, then be prepared for more likewise experiences in the new decade of add-on, hide, and mark up. These increases for goods or services will be passed down in the form of part for a product or step for a service for example. Some of these costs will be clearly written down on the invoice or bill and others will be hidden. Of course, there will be other wording to disguise a part or step for a service that should be included anyway! For example in our sector, we see one egregious act of add-on, hide, and mark up fleecing that takes place each day.

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A new observation from Yeatts Inc.

Yeatts Inc. has always informed customers, networking partners, and other companies in the fabric industry about the latest trends, new cleaning solutions or products, and our own observations. As a leader in the industry, tests and just repetitive cleaning of all fabrics, our technicians and Master Cleaners notice expected patterns of the fabrics being cleaned. Thus, it is quite obvious when a particular fabric begins to clean either in a manner we expect, or in a less than normal manner. For instance, regardless of manufacturer, the process used, installation, or finishing process, we know wool and synthetic fibers dry much quicker than cotton, rayon, or silk fibers.

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Vacuum cleaning and maintenance tips.

Vacuum cleaning area carpets and rugs will yield longevity of these items, especially a hand knotted wool rug. Vacuum cleaning removes hair, surface debris, dust, tiny insects like fleas, ticks, moths, and some vacuums remove surface stains via water extraction. Vacuum cleaning carpets lifts the surface pile creating a beautiful look and eliminates all traffic pattern marks at least for a day. Vacuuming carpets and rugs lifts sand and harder, tiny debris that actually cut into the fibers once weight from an individual turns or walks onto the surface pile. However the most important aspect of vacuuming carpets and rugs is the removal of airborne pollutants. When you walk over a dirty rug covered with dust and cat hair, you are kicking up dust and dander from the cat hair.

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More testing and upgrades at Yeatts Inc.

Yeatts Inc. has always led the fabric cleaning industry by experimenting with the most current equipment, machinery, and cleaning solutions available. Regardless if it is something created in-house or a created by a manufacturer, we can test the new equipment or cleaning solution and determine if it is more effective, as effective, or even worse than what is currently available. Two new cleaning solutions offered by MasterBlend® have really proven to be effective in rescuing urine saturated fabrics. We use these two solutions in combination to eliminate the urine odors. Yeatts Inc. technicians are cleaning more homes and especially businesses with ResponsibleCare™ Products from MasterBlend®. What is surprising to our technicians is the fact that customers are asking for the ResponsibleCare™ Products by name. The best news for our customers is that many of the these newer solutions we use are plant based.

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How you can be prepared for Spring.

Spring has arrived and many of you will tackle outdoor and indoor projects within the next few months. In person and a few times in past Spring enewsletters, Yeatts Inc. offers helpful suggestions and tips for our customers concerning fabric care. Some of you will be moving around or replacing furniture in rooms. If you are trying to wash a window, clean baseboards, rearrange, or replace the furniture, then take advantage. Now is your chance to thoroughly clean any area that has been covered by the furniture. Check any wool rugs covered by heavy furniture that you may be moving. Dusty, dark conditions are perfect targets for moth infestation. At any time you discover or think you have active moth infestation on wool rugs, contact Yeatts Inc.immediately.

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When should you clean fabrics?

A common shared interest among companies focused on fabric care is the maintenance of fabrics. This of course includes the cleaning methods used upon various fabrics from hand knotted rugs to upholstered sofas. However, this has been covered many times throughout the years in our articles. Another aspect in maintaining fabrics, regardless of cleaning methods, is knowing how often you should clean your fabrics. Even among fabric cleaning manufacturers, schools in our industry, and professional companies like Yeatts Inc., opinions vary. The time in between cleaning of fabrics depends on many factors.

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It’s 2011, and so is our equipment.

Professional companies must embrace new equipment and machinery that will yield better cleaning results than current, likewise counterparts. In order to provide superior cleaning results time after time, we have and will continue to experiment with new equipment. As in the past, some equipment we have tested at Yeatts Rug Plant will barely equal or slightly surpass current equipment. In fact, in a few cases, the new equipment will not perform as well as current equipment and a poor cleaning performance is the result. In other instances, the new equipment will provide equal or perhaps slightly better cleaning results than our current equipment, but the cleaning process takes twice as long.

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Are your cleaning solutions safe?

More than in the past, potential customers are asking Yeatts Inc. and other companies in the business of providing cleaning services, about the safety of the solutions used to clean household items. In our sector the topic is the safety of the solutions used to clean fabrics. For our networking partners, some who concentrate on custodial cleaning, the questions may regard cleaning solutions used to clean showers and countertops or appliances. No matter the question asked by a customer about the solutions used to clean any household item, the company must already have knowledge about the solutions they use. Our company believes it is the responsibility of the manufacturer and the company that uses the manufacturer’s solutions to know every aspect of the particular solutions they have on inventory.

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