Upholstery Cleaning
Upholstery Care
Fabric upholstery is the most troublesome item to clean in our industry. The professional cleaner must know upholstery fabric is often composed of more than three fibers including cotton, polyester, rayon, and others. Fine upholstery is more difficult to clean since very thin fabric covers the frame and cushions. Stains can soak in the dye sites of very fine upholstered fabric instantly.
These stains are very difficult to remove after drying and almost impossible to remove after treating the stains with a cleaning agent that fails. Harsh cleaning agents will alter the dye sites and professional cleaning may not remove the stains at this point. As with our other services, Yeatts Inc. has cleaned many thousands of upholstered fabrics throughout the decades.
When you are ready for professional upholstery cleaning, save time and trouble and call us first. Yeatts Inc. receives many referrals from medical specialists because we use MasterBlend® Responsible Care™ Products. If you or a loved one suffers from allergies, asthma, or are very sensitive to cleaning solutions, then we are the only company you should call. All solutions in the Responsible Care™ lineup are plant based, perfume and phosphate free, truly biodegradable, and provide relief!

Customers constantly drop off their indoor and outdoor cushions. After applying cleaning solutions, this antique cushion is rinsed thoroughly.

We clean all types of fine fabric upholstery.

Cushion with severe stains.

Cushion after Yeatts cleaning.

Master Cleaner Joe Yeatts cleans fine fabric upholstery contaminated with urine using state-of-the art upholstery cleaning equipment.

Master Cleaner, Bill Yeatts restores a soot-damaged cushion.

After testing a small area on a headboard, Master Cleaner, Bill Yeatts cleans the delicate fabric.

Moments after cleaning. The fabric will actually continue to brighten as it dries within a couple of hours.
Key benefits of cleaning your upholstery:
- Dust, body oils, sand, grit and animal hair is removed.
- Pet stains are neutralized and deodorized.
- Professional cleaning will increase the longevity of your upholstery.
- It’s cheaper than recovering upholstery!